Thursday, November 26, 2009

Jodina Meehan - Cymatics Artist

Jodina Meehan is a cymatics artist using sound waves to create permanent art, and she is also editor of the Journal of Cymatics. This journal is supported by a website, that has a lot of very useful resources, information and examples in the area of cymatics - this wonderful and incredible sound to art work of cymatics. You can become a member of this website also.

The Journal of Cymatics: The Study of Sound Made Visible, was founded in 2007, by editor Jodina Meehan. Reporting on the art and science of cymatics around the world. If you have a piece of cymatics news to contribute, do visit the website on how to contribute.


Jodina Meehan at work in her studio creating cymatics art

You can view Jodina Meehans creating her own cymatics work in her studio- view the beautiful patterns created in an excellent video that showcases her cymatic on the following page:

There are lots of categories on this website to help you browse through the extensive resources. One such category is the Cymatics Video Category.

This website has a lot of information and is a wonderful resource for cymatics