Richard Lainhart's audio visual work I have been a fan of, ever since I encountered one of my favourite audio visual works, Pneuma. I have already blogged about this work previously. I am very saddened to hear that Richard died on the 30th December, 2011. So as a tribute to him and his wonderful piece Pneuma, I am reposting it here and am very saddened to hear this news.
PNEUMA - Richard Lainhart
Pneuma from Richard Lainhart on Vimeo.
"Pneuma" is based on growth patterns generated by celluar automata software, processed in Adobe After Effects to create constantly changing structures ranging from the crystalline to the architectural. The soundtrack is a live improvisation on the Buchla 200e analog modular synthesizer, controlled by the Haken Audio Continuum Fingerboard fretless keyboard controller. This HD version was rendered in May, 2008.
Warning: "Pneuma" displays an intense, periodic flicker pattern that some may find uncomfortable. Those subject to seizures should not view this film."