Friday, May 15, 2009

Nancy Herman - Visual Music

Nancy creates visual music works in both BlissPaint and Flash as the artist says, she creates "work that actually could be 'played' in real time if the colors were attached to keys on a musical key board."
Her desire is to create an instrument that could play color in time. The key issue for Nancy is to "'tune' the color through several spectra creating a smooth transition from light to dark. I think the color itself will create the 'music' over time- note the shapes of the color, or the way the color moves". Source: Artist website -

Nancy has created several of these color in time works and they are available to preview on her website at:

Link to Satie's Gymnopodies

I have been aware of Nancy's work for long time and meant to blog about this ages ago. Very consistent and accurate color in time works, worth checking out.